PPC Lead Qualifier
The Cornish PPC Lead Qualifier helps ensure only the best leads are counted in the PPC account optimisation process.
If your are paying for leads from AdWords then these need to be good ones or you are wasting your money. It is important not to count the contact forms filled in offering you watches, links, guaranteed SEO or other dubious offers.
The Cornish PPC Lead Qualifier is used to stop counting poor grade leads as conversions. It allows us to offer a better level of PPC management. It is customised per client as different markets attract different types of spam. And some enquiries (eg recruitment consultants) are genuine in some markets and spam in others.
The Cornish lead qualifier is under constant development as spammers try different techniques. We provide this as a module within the Cornish CMS, and can also provide the lead qualifier for use in other websites we manage. The Cornish PPC Lead Qualifier on the Cornish CMS is adjusted regularly for universal changes in poor grade leads