What is web hosting?
Web hosting refers to where your website files that are viewed on the Internet are actually stored. They will be stored on a fast computer, usually called a server, that is continuously connected to the Internet.
Web hosting
Web hosting is now very much cheaper than a few years ago, and so if you selected your web host several years ago it may be worth shopping around. There is no need for any small organisation to put up with advertising banners across their website. The standard features offered by hosting companies have also improved significantly. Cornish WebServices can provide very competitive web hosting for website design or marketing clines. For basic web hosting you should be able to get webstats, cgi/php scripts and multiple email accounts. For anything other than a simple home user website we would recommend getting provision of 1 MySQL database. We would not recommend using the free web space provided by ISP's for any business website.
Unless your website has ASP applications which require a Windows server, we would recommend a Unix/Linux platform as these servers are more reliable, cheaper and applications tend to be better written and run faster on this platform.
Choosing a web host - performance and reliability
There are a huge number of different web hosts to choose from. It is best to choose the most reliable host - the one with the smallest amount of downtime. Any quoted figure of less than 99.5% SLA uptime is poor. This figure might look good but actually corresponds to 3.5 hours of downtime in any month - enough for a business or organisation to notice.
Web hosting services
Cornish WebServices can, if required, provide suitable web hosting services for clients using our website design or marketing services. We will either use our our own server (maintained by a hosting company or use our experience to select a good quality and value for money hosting company. This choice is partly governed by the size and no. of visitors to the website, although the web host we usually use can cater well with very large and high volume websites.
All hosting includes good web statistics, full scripting and database facilities and multiple email accounts.
We are also happy to work with any existing host a client has, provided this can provide the required level of service. Although we prefer to work with unix servers, especially for database driven websites, we do not insist on this and are able to work with other types, such as Windows servers.
Web hosting costs
We only setup hosting for clients of our website design and marketing work, and the hosting costs are included within the quotation. The ongoing costs of annual hosting are included within any maintenance contract. This includes making updates and changes to email accounts if required. We do not use hosting as a means of generating extra profits.
Typical costs would be around £50-£150 for a small business website. These figures may be much higher for Windows servers.