Charity Marketing using online Channels
Donations to charities are being limited by the lack of information given to supporters about how donations are spent according to a report by New Philanthropy Capital (reported by Marketing Week). The report states that charities are missing out on £665m in donations annually by not providing evidence of how donations are spent.
The in depth report uses a survey of 3,000 people, focus groups and one to one interviews. The conclusion drawn was that there would be 20% more donation from mainstream supporters and 34% more high-income donations if more information as provided. This could boost total giving by 11%.
Online Charity Marketing
Charity marketing techniques such as digital marketing and social media have been traditionally underused by third sector organisations. Industry leaders spoke about providing opporunites to boost online engagement with donors and supporters as part of charity marketing services at an event hosted by CharityComms in London.
There was a squeeze on donations in recent times as families have had less disposable income. As a result donations fell by 20 per cent last year according to Charities Aid Foundation. This has prompted a need for charities to look at their charity marketing efforts and take advantage of different channels.
There are opportunities in:
Online Video - Youtube reached 1 Billion users in 2013. This gives charities a chance to expand the video content and show supporters the work that is carried out when donations are received. Videos are already a very popular way for charities to appeal to potential donors as children in need and sport relief have proven over the years. Donations can be driven straight from Google Wallet (or any other method of donation processing). Googles manager of non-profits stated that “68 per cent of YouTube users donate to charity, users are 25 times more likely to donate online than the general population and 54 per cent would be willing to volunteer for a cause.”
Shareable Content via social media- Head of digital Marketing at Dogs Trust Jacqui O’Beirne said that charities are not taking full advantage of the viral nature of sharing content online through social media. Viral content needs to be infused with company branding for increased brand awareness. Charities need a social media strategy to try and increase donations through shareable content and supporter engagement.
It may be the case the charity workers may not understand how to use social media. Online marketing companies such as ExtraDigital can provide social media management to help maximise donations using digital channels.
If you are looking for other forms of charity marketing fulfilment services such as supporter engagement or donation processing, Orbital Charity Dynamics provide these services to a range of leading charities such Guide Dogs for the Blind and Cancer research. Visit for more information.
Published on 23/04/2013