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Cornish WebServices
Consultancy Ltd
Report Data - explanation
A brief explanation of the reporting data available is as follows:
Emails Sent ­ shows how many emails in total were sent for that Campaign.
Emails Delivered ­ the actual number of sent emails delivered to their intended
Unique Opens ­ shows have many of the emails were tracked as being opened. This is
worse case scenario as not all email clients or business email servers allow emails to be
Views & Forwards ­ shows how many times the email you sent was viewed ­ this could
be the recipient reading it twice or as result of the email being forwarded to someone
else at the same organisation.
Estimated Forwards ­ shows how many times the email was forwarded on based on
the system registering an open in a different email client and IP address to the original
recipient of the email.
Forwards to a Friend ­ This is an Action that can be inserted into your template and
this shows the number of times that link was clicked.
Social Network Views - the number of views your Campaign has had via a social
networking sites.
Non Openers ­ those recipients who have not opened the email.
Unique User Click through ­ registers the number of users who clicked links.
Links Clicked ­ the total number of links in your emails that were clicked on by the
Page Views ­ the number of page views your Campaign has had.
ROI ­ tracks and reports on any transactional events resulting on your website from an
email campaign, such as purchase of product or download of a whitepaper etc.
Replies ­ this indicates the number of replies you have had in response to this
campaign and can be read as and when you wish.
Hard Bounces ­ for example email addresses that are incorrect or no longer in use.
Soft Bounces ­ for example out-of-office or mailbox-full replies.
Unsubscribe Requests ­ this shows how many recipients have asked to be removed
from the address book. This also includes recipients who have reached their bounce
back threshold (set in the Control Panel) and those who have used Hotmail and AOL
"This is junk" functions. The Emailer system will automatically remove these email
addresses from your address books so that they cannot be emailed in the future.
Any Problems?
Contact Cornish WebServices by phone or email.