Google Maps


Implementing Google Maps with Cornish WebServices

Google Maps is a free interactive web mapping service provided by Google. This allows users to see maps of the world in street map style, as satellite images or as a hybrid of both. As well as being able to search to specific locations, you can obtain directions and plot a route planner or even find local businesses in an area.

Using the Google Maps API, Cornish WebServices are able to embed these maps into client's web pages and provide the interactivity offered by Google Maps through the client's own website. This service provides a number of utilities to further customise Google Maps by adding extra content and features to make robust interactive mapping applications for your website.

Google Maps is primarily used to show where the client is located. The added interactivity gives an extra dimension to this feature and helps the potential customer locate the client.

Google maps are primarily used to show the geographical location of a business or office. This helps with local search marketing as well as providing an informative tool to help locate the business.

For more information on a range of Google map appliactions visit the Google map page on Cornish WebServices.

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