Cornish Emailer

The Cornish-Emailer is a hosted email marketing system which allows you to be in control of creating,editing and sending email marketing campaigns.

Cornish Emailer

The Cornish Emailer allows you to send emails in the knowledge that:

  • emails are being sent from a 'white-listed' server - less chance of being classed as spam.
  • professionally setup and tested HTML templates
  • Spam checking , link checking and email client checking facilities
  • Compliant with all EU and UK spam legislation
  • Multiple contact lists with unsubscribe lists and download / upload functionality
  • Superb reporting and tracking including emails delivered, opened, forwarded, links clicked
  • Time tracking and ability to schedule campaigns

The Cornish Emailer puts the client in charge of the ongoing campaign management, whilst using Cornish WebServices design expertise to create a good looking email to deliver high conversions and using our emai lmarketing knowledge to help gets started with the campaigns.

HTML Email Templates

We design and create HTML email templates for clients using the Cornish Emakiler and other emai lmarketing systems. View our email template designs.

Need help with Email Marketing?

Contact us for a discussion on how we can help or view a sample of our html email template designs.

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Email Marketing

ISO 9001

ISO9001 website design

Email usTel: +44 (0)330 555 4680

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